2014年2月4日 星期二

病態 香港之3 :制裁菲律賓



該人是門多薩Rolando Mendoza,不爭事實是事發當天他槍殺香港人質. 將此狂徒暴行怪罪全國是於理不合。 讓我引述菲總統Aquino III 的辯解
“Giving an apology connotes that the state did them grievous harm. I don’t think that is correct. This was the act of one man. In the same token that some of our citizens have been affected elsewhere in the world, we do not blame the entire population,” - See more at:http://hongkongnews.com.hk/a-year-of-grief-and-injustice-manila-hostage-crisis/#sthash.MSxm01lw.dpuf 
例如是否香港政府要為鄧國華强奸其菲傭FACC No. 4 of 2001道歉賠償?

“So can we really be faulted? There was such a rapid turn of events that I don’t think any force anywhere in the world (could have prevented it). We sympathize and we continue to sympathize with them. We really wish it did not happen. - See more at:http://hongkongnews.com.hk/a-year-of-grief-and-injustice-manila-hostage-crisis/#sthash.MSxm01lw.dpuf

在峇里Bali 他重申:
Answering a question posed from the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines on his Bali session with Leung, the president said: “Our position is that the act of one individual, who was probably mentally unstable at that point in time, should not be construed as the act of the entire country.”

請看學者嶺南大學副教授James Rice 觀點:
Under international law, says Lingnan University assistant professor of philosophy James Rice, state responsibility is when a nation has done a wrong to another country or to individuals who happen to be in the country.
"This case does not fall under the rubric of state responsibility because the Republic of the Philippines cannot be held responsible for actions taken by private members of the public," he says.

2. 本港高等法院原訟庭 Justice Bharwaney 亦裁定菲律賓政府有絕對括免權 absolute immunity 被受害人起訴。有終審庭剛果案先例遵從。涂謹申作為律師重要高調展開訴訟,騎劫事件,典型政棍所為。

3 另外,一個主權國如真要為一名罪犯刑責而道歉及賠償是前所未見。如前述台灣漁民被殺要道歉,凶手是國民海岸軍national coast guard。 他是國家代表 state agent 與本案情有顯著不同。


5 受害人及其家屬取態
留意到只有易少玲,謝廷駿,陳國柱三方提出民事訴訟向菲方追討。那麼其餘受害人或其代表又為何不一同聯手?是否他們認為事件已獲解決?而祇有易和陳兩人 會告康泰旅行社,想謝與康泰之間已談好賠償問題。易已拿了過百萬來自菲方賠償金去整容,相信此乃整體擺平這件事的一部份。現又要非菲方道歉不可。是否不道德,再要咬車厘子一口?(second bite of the cherry)

6. 菲方立場
現任馬尼拉市長James Estrada 已道歉並表示願就賠償問題繼續磋商
菲方承認拯救行動欠佳。英文用詞是bungled, botched 等等。對事件表示深切遺憾deep regret

Now TV ,RTHK 等 9 名香港記者被印尼主辦亞太經貿會議時因喝問heckling菲總統被沒收採訪證
4.6.2013 六月四日晚上港菲足球賽發生港球迷流氓hooliganism事件,有港人辱罵菲國奴隸國家slave nation。與陶傑先前侮辱 菲國一般。結果國際足協罰了香港百五萬披索。

制裁歷史例子不少,但成功罕見。北韓越被制裁越囂張,對方輕則態度強硬,亦可能報復,禍及無辜,也自己受損, 為何出此下策?

香港政府現就前印傭Eriwana 事件而非常尷尬。如果堅持要菲國道歉,那末梁振英要作好準備,因為the boot is on the other’s foot。識得話人要識得話自己.