2014年3月15日 星期六


2006 incident report 20060907 星期
6歲童入院揭發 涉東涌西醫幸凌宇



案件編號: TWS1952-57/07 





  李義法官指出,《公衆 生及市政條例》第541)條不能簡單倚賴不知道藥物內有雜質作抗辯,但被告可按條例中第7071條要求,證明藥物購自正當供應商、自己沒懷疑藥物出問題,以及購入與出售期間藥物沒有改變作為抗辯。




How Strict are Strict Liability Offences in Hong Kong
Alex Lee

Law enforcement agencies like strict liability offences.1 The reason is obvious. They are more effective enforcement tools than offences which
require proof of full mens rea. Recognising that strict liability offences may catch people who do not have a culpable state of mind, and to mitigate the
harshness, the legislature very often provides for defences in which, the burden of establishing the defence rest with the accused.2
Before Hin Lin Yee
Whether the presumption of mens rea has been displaced as regards a particular offence is a matter of construction. The position in Hong Kong
used to be that there was no “half-way house” between strict liability offences and full mens rea offences. However, in 1994 the dividing line between
the two categories was blurred by the ground-breaking judgment of the Court of Appeal in Attorney General v Fong Chin Yue and others3 which was
delivered three years after the Bill of Rights was enacted.4
Fong Chin Yue was a case stated appeal by the prosecution in relation to charges brought under section 17 of the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance,
Cap. 109 (DCO).5 The questions for the Court of Appeal were narrowly defined, namely (i) whether the offences were ones of strict liability so that the
prosecution was not required to prove that the defendant had knowledge of the status of the goods in question as dutiable goods; (ii) if so, whether
the section violated the presumption of innocence as protected by the Bill of Rights; and (iii) if so, what the results of such violation were. The Court,
however, seized the opportunity and introduced to Hong Kong jurisprudence a common law “halfway-house” defence. Among other things, it was
held that the prosecution did not have to prove that the accused knew that duty on the goods was outstanding. However, it was a defence for the
accused to prove on a balance of probabilities that he believed for good and sufficient reason, although erroneously, that the provisions of the DCO
relating to the goods had been complied with, which compliance of course included duty having been paid.
The judgment of Fong Chin Yue had repercussions across the board.6 It also affected the ability of the Customs & Excise in combating unlawful
dealing in dutiable commodities. Thus, in 1996 the Legislature introduced to the DCO a new 17(11), the effect of which is to put an additional requirement on the accused to establish “reasonable diligence” over and above the common law defence. This statutory defence is not unique
and the same drafting technique has also been employed in other ordinances which have strict liability offences. The effect of this type of statutory defences was considered in HKSAR v Ho Hon Chun Danel and others7 which was about copyright offences brought under section 118 of the
Copyright Ordinance, Cap. 528. Woo VP, who gave the judgment of the Court of Appeal, said,8
Where a statute makes an offence one of strict liability, without requiring the prosecution to prove the mens rea usually
required under the common law, the common law defence of honest and reasonable belief should be available, unless the
statutory intent is clear that the offence is one of absolute liability. But if a statute specifies a certain defence for the statutory
offence, it would be most unlikely that the legislative intent is also to make available to the accused such common law
defence.” (Emphasis added)
For years, this dictum was valued for its predictability. However, it now has to be qualified in view of the recent development of the law.
Hin Lin Yee
In 2010, the Court of Final Appeal in Hin Lin Yee and another v HKSAR9 gave a definitive judgment on the common law approach to the presumption
of mens rea. Based on the judgment of Ribeiro PJ, who gave the judgment of the Court, the common law previously laid down in Gammon (Hong

(1 Strict liability may be conveniently defined as crimes which do not require intention, recklessness or even negligence as to one or more elements in the actus reus. See
Smith & Hogan Criminal Law, 12th Edition, p.150. 2 This is by the operation of s.94A of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance, Cap. 221 or other similar provisions like s.24 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Cap. 201. 3 [1995] 1 HKCLR 193. 4 The Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, Cap. 383. 5 S.17(1) of DCO provides:
 No person shall import or export or have in his possession, custody or control, or in any way deal with or dispose of, any goods to which this Ordinance applies-
(a) except in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance; or
(b) unless he has discharged all the obligations with respect to the goods imposed upon him by or under this Ordinance)

Kong) Ltd v Attorney General of Hong Kong10 has been refined and should be restated as follows:11
(a) The statutory language: The first question to ask is whether the presumption of mens rea has been displaced. The statute may employ
adverbs like “knowingly” or “negligently”; or it may use verbs or nouns which may or may not have connotations of awareness or intent on the
defendant’s part.
(b) The nature and subject-matter of the offence: The more serious the offence in terms of penalty and social obloquy, the less likely it is that
the presumption will be held to have been supplanted.
(c) Regulatory offences: There is generally less need to feel inhibited about overriding the presumption in relation these offences. Typical
examples are offences under public health, licensing and industrial legislation. Where a halfway house option exists, displacement of the
presumption might well lead to such offences being dealt with on an intermediate basis of liability instead.
(d) The legislative purpose: If, in the light of the nature and subject-matter of the offence, construing the provision to require full mens rea would
make successful prosecution so unlikely that the statutory objectives would be frustrated, this must be given weight. Where this is a legitimate
consideration, the response should often be to consider whether the adoption of an intermediate basis of liability accords with the true
legislative intention.
(e) The other alternatives: Having considered the statutory language and purpose broadly, as indicated above, if the presumption is overridden,
one goes on to consider the other alternatives:
(i) to allow a defence if the defendant could prove on the balance of probabilities that the prohibited act was done in the honest and
reasonable belief that the circumstances were such that, if true, he would not be guilty of the offence (Intermediate basis of liability);
(ii) to confine the defences open to the accused in relation to his mental state to the statutory defences expressly provided for in relation to
the offence charged (Exclusionary statutory defence); or
(iii) to make the offence one of absolute liability so that the persecution succeeded if the accused was proved to have performed or bought
about the actus reus, regardless of his state of mind. (Absolute liability).
After Hin Lin Yee
There are, however, two aspects of Hin Lin Yee which merit further discussion:
(a) when the presence of a statutory defence would be taken as excluding the common law “half-way house” defence; and
(b) whether and how constitutional issues may affect the approach to the presumption of mens rea.

Exclusionary statutory defence
Ribeiro PJ has left open the possibility of concurrent availability of the common law defence and statutory defences when they are not “inconsistent”.
Thus, it cannot now be said that the fact that a statutory defence is specified for a strict liability offence, it is most unlikely that the common law “half-way
house” defence would be available. Ribeiro PJ restricts the effect of Ho Hon Chun Danel and says:
95. His Lordship no doubt had in mind situations where the statutory defences were inconsistent with the concurrent
availability of a common law defence since he pointed out that there was an “overlap” between the statutory defences and
the “common law defence of honest and reasonable belief” in that case.”
Later on, his Lordship goes on to say:12
164. The key question is whether the statutory defence, properly construed, is inconsistent with the availability of the third
alternative. If so, only the statutory defence can be relied on.”
 As to what may amount to inconsistency, the following guidance is gleaned from Hin Lin Yee:
(a) a statutory defence is not inconsistent when it covers different facts and is wider than the defence of honest and reasonable belief;13 and
(b) the fact that there are additional requirements in the statutory defence shows that the legislative intent plainly is to regard an honest and
reasonable belief as insufficient.14
Constitutional issues
Ribeiro PJ prefaces his judgment in Hin Lin Yee with the caveat that his discussion proceeds solely on the basis of common law principles, as no
constitutional issues were raised in that case.15
However, it is difficult to determine whether and how far constitutional issues may affect the common law approach to the presumption of mens rea.
This is because there is a line of authorities to the effect that, because of the high human rights content of the rules of construction which the courts
apply to determine what a penal provision really means, where the conclusion that a statutory offence is an offence of strict liability is one arrived by a
process of construction, then there would be no room left for an argument that the statutory provision creating that offence is inconsistent with the Bill
of Rights.16 This line of authorities suggests that it is sufficient to consider just the common law when deciding whether the presumption of mens rea
has been displaced as regards a particular statutory offence.
On the other hand, there is another line of authority that when deciding whether something is an element of offence or a matter for the defence to
establish, human rights law will come into play. In HKSAR v Ng Po On,
17 the following dictum of Lord Steyn in R v Lambert & Others is cited with
 “The distinction between constituent elements of the crime and defensive issues will sometimes be unprincipled and
arbitrary. After all, it is sometimes simply a matter of which drafting technique is adopted: a true constituent element can
be removed from the definition of the crime and cast as a defensive issue whereas any definition of an offence can be
reformulated so as to include all possible defences within it. It is necessary to concentrate not on technicalities and niceties
of language but rather on matters of substance.”
In Ng Po On, Ribeiro PJ stated:19
Thus, it does not matter whether the ultimate fact which the defendant is required to prove involves an element which may
be characterized as an essential ingredient of the offence or a matter of defence. Its substantive effect is what counts: does
the enactment expose the defendant to a conviction even though there may be a reasonable doubt regarding some matter
determinative of his criminal liability?” (Emphasis supplied)
One situation in which constitutional issues may arise in strict liability offences is where the lack of a culpable state of mind is, on the face of it, a
negative averment for the defence to establish.20 It remains to be seen how the courts will resolve the apparent conflict between these two lines of
Despite the comprehensive way in which the Court of Final Appeal has dealt with strict liability offences, it appears that this area of the law remains an
issue for attention and resolution.
13 Tolson (1889) 23 QBC 168 was given by Ribeiro PJ as an example. In that case, the prisoner was convicted of “bigamy. The jury found that at the time of the second
marriage she in good faith and on reasonable grounds believed her husband to be dead. The 24 & 25 Vict. c.100, s.57 said, “Whoever being married, shall marry any
other person during the life of the former husband or wife shall be guilty of felony” with a proviso saying that “nothing in this Act shall extend to any person marrying a
second time whose husband or wife shall have been continually absent from such person for the space of seven years last past, and shall not have been known by such
person to be living within that time.”
14 See R v K [2002] 1 AC 462. 15 Ibid., p.414. 16 Fong Chin Yue, ante., at 200, line 29-37; Mak Chuen Hing, ante, at para. 463E-F, 465B. 17 (2008) 11 HKCFAR 91, a case about ss.14(1) and 24 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Cap. 201. 18 [2002] 2 AC 545, 571. 19 Ibid., at para. 39. 20 For example, ss7(1)(b) & 26(3) of the Trade Description Ordinance, Cap. 36

香港的嚴格法律責任罪行有多嚴格    李運騰
某項罪行的犯罪心態的推定(presumption of     mens       rea)是否被移除,是關乎法例詮釋的問題。過往香港在嚴格法律責任的罪行與須證明全部犯罪心態的罪行
制定後3年,上訴法庭在律政司            Fong        Chin Yue  &     Others一案4
Fong        Chin Yue一案是由控方藉案件呈述提出的上訴,該案涉及根據《應課稅品條例》(109)175     提出的控罪。上訴法庭要處理的問題實則頗為狹
定;以及(iii)若是,違反《人權法案》的後果為何。然而,法庭藉此機會為香港的法理學引入    “中間落墨”的普通法免責辯護。法庭裁定控方無須證明被告
Fong        Chin Yue一案的判決後果深遠6,並影響香港海關打擊非法處理應課稅品罪行的能力。為此,立法機關於1996年在《應課稅品條例》增訂了第17(11)
行的條例,也有運用相同的草擬技巧。法庭審理香港特別行政區            何漢聰及其他人7     一案時,亦有考慮這種法定免責辯護的效力。該案涉及根據《版權條
2010年,終審法院在幸凌宇及另一人           香港特別行政區9
判詞,以往在金門香港有限公司            香港律政司10      
(a)    法例用語︰法院首要考慮的問題,是犯罪意圖的推定有沒有被移除。法例或會使用例如“明知”或“疏忽地”等副詞,或使用能夠/不能夠帶有被告
(b)   罪行性質及標的物︰罪行的懲罰和受社會非議的程度愈嚴重,法院裁定犯罪心態的推定被移除的可能性便愈低。
(c)    屬規管性的罪行︰對於這些罪行,法庭一般毋須對移除上述推定過於顧忌,典型例子包括公眾衞生、發牌及工業法例所訂明的罪行。假如存在中間落
(d)   立法目的:假如法庭考慮了罪行性質和目標,認為若把條文詮釋為需確立全部的犯罪心態,會使檢控難以成功,以致有違立法目的,那麼法庭便須給
(e)    其他選擇:假如法庭已按上文所述,經多方考慮法例的用語及目的,移除了犯罪心態的推定,便可進一步考慮以下的選擇:
                (i)   假如被告能按相對可能性衡量準則證明他在進行受禁行為時誠實和合理地相信相關情況存在,而假如該等情況確實存在的話,他便不會有罪,
                (ii)  限制被告只能倚賴法例對有關控罪所訂明的免責條文所指定的心態作為免責辯護(豁除性的法定免責辯護);或
                (iii) 裁定控罪屬絕對法律責任的罪行,只要證明被告曾作出或導致犯罪行為,則不論其心態為何,均判罪名成立(絕對法律責任)
(q)   法例若訂有免責辯護,則法院何時可據此豁除“中間落墨”的普通法免責辯護;以及
(b)   憲法問題會否及如何影響犯罪意圖推定的處理方法。
免責辯護,被告便很不可能引用“中間落墨”的普通法免責辯護。常任法官李義限定了Ho      Hon Chun       Danel一案的適用範圍,他並指出:
95.       (原審)法官無疑考慮到法定免責辯護與並存的普通法免責辯護有抵觸的情況,因為他指出,在該案中,法定免責辯護與誠實
164.     關鍵問題是,經妥當詮釋的法定免責辯護,與第三個選擇的存在是否有抵觸。若有,則只可倚賴法定免責辯護。”
(a)    法例訂明的免責辯護如涵蓋不同事實,而且比誠實及合理信念的免責辯護的涵蓋面更廣,兩者便沒有抵觸13   以及
(b)   法例訂明的免責辯護如有額外規定,便清楚表明立法原意是誠實及合理信念並不足夠14
毫無疑問地不會抵觸《人權法案》16    這系列案例認為,法院決定某一法定罪行行的犯罪意圖推定是否已被移除時,只考慮普通法原則便已足夠。另一方面,有另一系列案例則顯示,每當法院決定某事項是否構成罪行的要素或須由辯方舉證時,須參照人權方面的法律。在香港特別行政區        吳保安17
一案,法院引述並贊同Lord        Steyn  R      v      Lambert  &     Others一案中所提出的下述意見18
停牌令遲出半年 西醫申覆核修正

(明報) 20130110





