2014年3月24日 星期一

終院五官老貓燒鬚受騙Brian Alfred Hall

被告Brian Alfred Hall,正就九八年承認的販毒罪服刑十八年,現在赤柱監獄,他否認三項妨礙司法公正及一項使用假文書副本罪,控罪指他於○八年十月至○九年六月,先後向法庭呈交偽造的懲教職員口供、醫生報告、懲教署重要通告等,企圖妨礙司法公正,另又向原訟庭法官任懿君提交假文件。



FACC No. 12 of 2008






      BRIAN ALFRED HALL      Appellant
      - and -   

Court :    Chief Justice Li, Mr Justice Bokhary PJ, Mr Justice Chan PJ, Mr Justice Ribeiro PJ and Sir Anthony Mason NPJ
Hearing and Decision:   30 June 2009
Handing Down of Reasons: 8 July 2009




Chief Justice Li :

1.  At the conclusion of the hearing, we allowed the appeal to quash the appellant’s conviction for common assault.  We indicated that our reasons would be given later.  They are now given by Mr Justice Bokhary PJ for the Court.

Mr Justice Bokhary PJ :

Prosecution’s duty of disclosure

2.  For the rationale, status, nature and scope of the prosecution’s duty of disclosure in Hong Kong, one needs only to consult the judgment which Sir Anthony Mason NPJ gave, and with which the other members of the Court agreed, in HKSAR v. Lee Ming Tee (No.2) (2003) 6 HKCFAR 336.  Particular attention should be drawn to the following propositions contained in that judgment.

3.  Even if not attributable to any breach by the prosecutor of his duty of disclosure, the non-disclosure to the defence of relevant material can result in material irregularity and an unsafe conviction : pp 382J-383A.  The prosecution’s duty of disclosure is “based on the defendant’s common law right to a fair trial and on the principle of openness” : p.386 I.  This common law right of defendants is provided with constitutional underpinning by arts 39 and 87 of the Basic Law and art.11(2) of the Bill of Rights : p.387B-G.  The prosecution’s duty to disclose relevant material is preceded by a duty to “ascertain” what relevant material exists : p.390I.  And that is not limited to relevant material in the possession or control of the investigating agency concerned.  It extends to such material “in the possession or control of any other government department or agency if there are particular circumstances suggesting that it may have such material” : p.391B-C.  As to the scope of the duty, it is explained (at p.391D-E) that :

    “The prosecution’s duty is to disclose to the defence relevant material (including information) which may undermine its case or advance the defence case.  The duty is not limited to the disclosure of admissible evidence.  Information not itself admissible may lead by a train of inquiry to evidence which is admissible : R v. Preston [1994] 2 AC 130 at pp 163-164, per Lord Mustill.  And material which is not admissible may be relevant and useful for cross-examination of a prosecution witness on credit.”

4.  All of the foregoing propositions operate in unison to constitute the accepted norm in regard to the prosecution’s duty of disclosure.  And as was laid down in So Yiu Fung v. HKSAR (1999) 2 HKCFAR 539 at p.543F-G, a sufficiently serious departure from an accepted norm provides a basis for quashing a conviction on the “substantial and grave injustice” ground provided by the second limb of s.32(2) of this Court’s statute.  This appeal, which is against a conviction for common assault, is bought on that ground.


5.  Shortly stated, the circumstances are as follows.  The charge of common assault (to which the appellant pleaded not guilty) arose out of an incident which took place on 2 June 2004 in a cell at the Stanley Correctional Institution where the appellant was serving a sentence of 18 years’ imprisonment passed on him in the High Court on 23 June 1998 for drug trafficking (to which he had pleaded guilty).

6.  At the appellant’s common assault trial before T H Casewell Esq in the Magistrate’s Court, it was the prosecution’s case that the incident consisted of an assault by the appellant on a member of the Correctional Services Department, namely Principal Officer Ho Kwok-keung, whom the appellant was alleged to have punched on the chest three times.  The defence case was that it was the other way round.  According to the appellant’s testimony, the incident consisted of an assault on him by officers of the Correctional Services Department.  He suggested that it was in retaliation for complaints made by him against them.

7.  On 3 June 2005 the magistrate convicted the appellant of common assault as charged, and sentenced him to six months’ imprisonment consecutive to the sentence of 18 years’ imprisonment which he was serving for drug trafficking.  The appellant appealed to the High Court against his common assault conviction and sentence.  On 7 February 2006 the High Court (Deputy Judge Leong) affirmed his common assault conviction and sentence.  With leave granted by the Appeal Committee, the appellant now appeals to this Court against his common assault conviction.

Officers’ account in the witness-box

8.  In convicting the appellant, the magistrate rejected his testimony.  The magistrate accepted instead the testimony given for the prosecution by the named victim Principal Officer Ho and his subordinate Assistant Officer Tung Hung-tak.  Shortly stated, the account given by these two officers in the witness-box was to the following effect.  A newspaper had been provided by the prison authorities to the appellant for him to read and then give back after a certain time.  After that time had passed and despite being asked to give back the newspaper, the appellant refused to give it back.  They therefore entered his cell to retrieve the newspaper.  Whereupon the appellant, apparently resenting such action on their part, threw the newspaper at Principal Officer Ho and punched him on the chest three times.

Consistent with the disclosed statements

9.  That account given by these officers in the witness-box was also the account given by them in those of their statements which were disclosed by the prosecution to the defence prior to trial.  Some of these disclosed statements were statements made to Correctional Services Department, and some of them were statements made to the police.

But inconsistent with the undisclosed statements

10.  What were not disclosed were statements by each of these two witnesses to the Correctional Services Department giving a different account.  Shortly stated, this undisclosed account was to the following effect.  When asked to return an overdue newspaper, the appellant not only refused but also splashed some liquid at Principal Officer Ho.  Then the appellant tried to harm himself by repeatedly hitting his own head against the cell wall.  Principal Officer Ho entered the cell in order to prevent the appellant from continuing to harm himself in that way.  Whereupon the appellant threw a stool at Principal Officer Ho.  Other officers then came to Principal Officer Ho’s assistance.  And the appellant was subdued.

11.  Like their disclosed statements to the Correctional Services Department, Principal Officer Ho and Assistant Officer Tung’s undisclosed statements to that department were made on the day of the incident 2 June 2004.  Those undisclosed statements never came into the hands of the Police or the Department of Justice.  They only came to light long after the appellant’s conviction in the Magistrate’s Court was affirmed by the High Court.  They were therefore unknown to the courts below.  The appellant first saw them, by chance, in late September or early October 2007 during an interview at the prison hospital in relation to another matter.  He eventually obtained copies of them on 17 May 2008.  It was with those copies that he obtained the Appeal Committee’s leave to bring this appeal.

Substantial and grave injustice

12.  Where there has been non-disclosure to the defence of relevant material, the focus in an appeal against conviction is not on whether the prosecutor is to be criticised.  The focus is on the effect of non-disclosure on the safety of the conviction.

13.  In Baksh v. R [1958] AC 167 and again in Berry v. R [1992] 2 AC 364 the Privy Council stressed the importance of disclosure to the defence of prosecution witnesses’ statements inconsistent with their testimony.  As has been pointed out, the undisclosed statements in the present case were made by the witnesses concerned to the same government department as the one to which they had made some of the disclosed statements.  And the account contained in the undisclosed statements is different from the one given in all the disclosed statements.  On the Lee Ming Tee (No. 2) principles of prosecutorial disclosure, the non-disclosure of the undisclosed statements amounted to a departure from the accepted norm constituted by those principles. 

14.  Quite plainly, the departure was sufficiently serious to call for the quashing of the appellant’s conviction on the substantial and grave injustice ground.  That is so for these reasons.  As the magistrate recognised, what he accurately described as the “prime issue” which he had to determine was one of credibility.  In determining that issue in favour of the officers, he said that he found them consistent and reliable.  If the undisclosed statements had been available to the defence at the trial, the officers could have been – and almost certainly would have been – cross-examined to considerable effect on the difference between the account which they gave in the witness-box and the account contained in those statements.

15.  To put it at its lowest, one cannot safely say that the magistrate would nevertheless have found the officers to be reliable.  Nor, still putting it at its lowest, can one safely say that his decision would have been affirmed by the High Court if he had nevertheless so found.  It is not a case of discrepancies of the type that might not be all that significant or difficult to explain.  The two accounts were wholly different.  First, they were different as to the reason why the prisoner’s cell was entered (retrieving an overdue newspaper in the disclosed account as opposed to preventing a prisoner from harming himself in the undisclosed account).  And secondly, they were different as to what the prisoner did upon his cell being entered (punching an officer on the chest three times in the disclosed account as opposed to throwing a stool at the officer in the undisclosed account).


16.  The foregoing are the reasons why the appeal was allowed at the conclusion of the hearing to quash the appellant’s conviction for common assault.  It should be mentioned that counsel for the respondent very properly declined to support this conviction and, indeed, offered helpful arguments for quashing it.  The lesson taught by this disturbing case is that the arrangements made by prosecutors to ensure compliance with their obligations of disclosure must be kept under regular review and operated with constant vigilance.

(Andrew Li)
Chief Justice

(Kemal Bokhary)
Permanent Judge

(Patrick Chan)
Permanent Judge

(RAV Ribeiro)
Permanent Judge

(Anthony Mason)
Non-Permanent Judge

Mr Paul Loughran (instructed by Messrs Tang, Tso & Lau and assigned by the Legal Aid Department) for the appellant

Mr Cheung Wai-sun and Ms Winnie Lam (of the Department of Justice) for the respondent



案件編號:DCCC 1431/2009
7 January 2012.
Lawsuit king convicted over forged documents
In perhaps a first in Hong Kong legal history, a drug smuggler who had an assault conviction overturned by the Court of Final Appeal using forged documents was convicted yesterday of perverting the course of public justice.

Brian Alfred Hall, who is believed to be Nigerian, was convicted by Judge Eddie Yip Chor-man in the District Court of three charges of perverting the course of public justice and one charge of using false instruments, to which he had pleaded not guilty.
Hall was labelled a “vexatious litigant” in 2008 due to his penchant for taking legal action from behind bars, where he is serving time for trafficking cocaine. Other than the Court of Final Appeal case, he attempted to use fake documents in two magistracy cases.

Hall will be sentenced to a maximum of seven years next Thursday.

The case stemmed from allegations that Hall punched a prison officer, Ho Kwok-keung, three times in the chest when he tried to take away his newspaper. Two alleged witness statements by prison officers presented later in the Court of Final Appeal claimed Hall had splashed water and thrown a chair at Ho instead. The difference between the two accounts undermined Ho’s credibility and the conviction was quashed. A legal scholar questioned why no red flags were raised by the Department of Justice when he introduced fresh evidence into his 2008 Court of Final Appeal hearing. The case could become an embarrassment for both the justice department and Hong Kong’s highest court.

The Department of Justice will have to carry the bulk of the responsibility,” said University of Hong Kong legal scholar Simon Young. The Department of Justice was sure to face questions as to why it did not carefully inspect the evidence, he said.

Correctional Services Department officials had raised the alarm over the documents and the police were investigating the claims months before the Court of Final Appeal hearing.

The Department of Justice had also been informed about the documents before the case concluded.

There were 15 fake documents in total, including medical reports and witness statements, among them a document allegedly signed by a former assistant commissioner of the Correctional Services Department, Chan Kong-sang.

Director of Public Prosecutions Kevin Zervos said: “Once the appeal process is complete, we’ll be making an application to go back to the Court of Final Appeal in light of the conviction.”

Not surprisingly, Hall vowed to appeal against the decision.

上訴襲擊罪 呈自製文件推翻
被告Brian Alfred Hall35歲)早前在區院經審訊後,被控3項妨礙司法公正及1項使用假文書副本罪成,法官葉佐文將案押後至下周四(12日)求情。
販毒判囚18 兩被加刑
警方於09730日搜查被告囚室,檢獲大量文件,包括涉案假的口供及醫學報告, 當中醫學報告沒有寫明日期及作者,僅得被告名字及囚犯號碼。政府化驗師指出,報告副本或由剪貼其他影印本製成。警方於同年1026日拘捕被告,警誡下指呈交予任官文件均由署方提供,又指警方或懲教署「生安白造」。

【記者鄺淑儀報道】涉嫌以假文件瞞騙到五名終院法官、有多次施襲前科的尼日利亞籍犯人Brian Alfred Hall,最近又在五日內兩度涉嫌向懲教署職員施襲,其中一次更「以一敵四」致四名職員受傷,最後要用胡椒噴霧將他制服,案件交由西區警區重案組調查,懲教署將他轉往小欖精神病治療中心接受評估。此外,就涉嫌呃法官一案,Brian早前被判罪成及加監四年,但控辯雙方均已提出上訴五日內兩施襲吐口水
據悉,兩案於上月十八日及廿二日發生,正在赤柱監獄服刑、獨立囚禁的Brian Alfred Hall,兩次涉嫌向職員吐口水及講粗口挑釁,並向入倉搜查的職員施襲,兩次均有職員受傷,首案有四名職員在制服期間受傷,包括擦傷手腳等。警方發言人表示,上月十八日及二十二日在赤柱監獄發生的案件,已合併交由西區警區重案組跟進調查,案件仍在調查中。
另外,Brian Alfred Hall早年因涉嫌襲擊職員被判加監,但其後他不服上訴至終審法院,並向法庭呈交新的證供,包括懲教人員口供文件,獲終院五名法官包括當時的首席終院法官李國能推翻其定罪,豈料事件始揭發有關文件為假文件。
on.cc東網專訊】2014 128() 非洲尼日利亞籍販毒案男囚犯Brian Alfred Hall09年用偽造的懲教署人員口供,欺騙終審法院法官,成功推翻在獄中襲擊懲教署職員的定罪,以及6個月監禁刑期。律政司早前以他藉欺詐行為取得終院判決為由,要求終院重開該上訴案件但被拒絕,終院今日以書面交代理由。

香港特別行政區訴Brian Alfred Hall
上訴人(答辯人): Brian Alfred Hall
聆訊日期: 2014117
判案書日期: 2014128
1.  200462日,上訴人襲擊一名懲教署職員。當時上訴人正因販毒而被判處監禁18年服刑。裁判官裁定上訴人普通襲擊罪名成立,判處監禁6個月,分期執行。原訟法庭駁回上訴人的上訴。就上訴至終審法院的申請,上訴人依靠兩份據稱為審訊期間曾出庭作證的兩名懲教署職員的口供。該兩份口供與該兩名懲教署職員出庭作證時的口供不符,事前亦並沒有披露予被告人。答辯人接受上訴人的上訴。終審法院撤銷定罪。
2.  該兩份口供其後被發現為偽造。有關上訴人上訴至終審法院的行為,他於區域法院經96天審訊後被裁定妨礙司法公正罪名成立,判處監禁4年。上訴法庭駁回上訴人的上訴,並把刑期由4年增至6年。基於上訴人的欺詐,答辯人尋求終審法院重開並推翻其判決。
3.  本院裁定,本院有酌情權,在有合理的依據指稱上訴人是藉欺詐行爲而取得本院的判決的情況下重開該上訴案。本院有隱含的權力,可在特殊情況下為維護司法公正而頒令重開上訴案。
4.  本院認為恢復原本就普通襲擊罪而判處的6個月刑期並不適當。就妨礙司法公正罪把刑期由4年增至6年,上訴法庭已就上訴人欺詐本院的行爲予以充分懲罰。六年刑期反映了上訴人的整體罪行。
5.  若然本院重開其有關判決,繼而審議上訴人事實上有否藉欺詐行爲而取得該判決,當中須花費的司法資源和公共資源,就刑期而言卻無實際後果,這與欲達到的目的並不相稱。因此,本院拒絕行使酌情權重開該上訴案,並駁回答辯人的申請。

